• Nikko / Kinugawa Onsen / Aizu

You will be in luck between 8/25 (Thu) and 8/27 (Sat) in Nikko
During the period, "Nikko big lucky gold uchiwa (paper fan)" and "commemorative boarding card" will be given on Limited Express SPACIA (which leaves Asakusa at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., and Shinjuku at 10:31 a.m.).
We will wait for you with "Lucky Dragon" which fulfills your hopes, characters of the Nikko City Tourism Association and Yagan Tetsudo Railway at Tobu Nikko Station and with various events including lotteries which offer lucky prizes.
Good news for you who cannot come during the period! You can find great luck in Nikko in August. We are waiting for you in Nikko.

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